Visual Story Telling – Online Course

An Online course for beginners without talent

Our products, services and ideas are becoming more and more complicated – and at the same time we have less and less time to explain them. What can you do?

You can draw! Because drawing is quick, drawings attract attention and are understood without much effort.

“But I can’t draw! And certainly not quickly!” is probably going through your head right now.

I fully understand this assessment. And yet I’d bet a beer that you’ll be enjoying drawing again in this entertaining and effective workshop!

The 5000-times proven therapy-approach

Like most people, you find drawing frustrating. Expectations that are too high and scribbly results spoil your enjoyment of your drawings.

To free you from your imagined inability to draw and bring back the childlike joy of drawing, we use the following therapeutic approach:

1. it’s ok if it looks silly.

2.  pick some good markers.

3. with a few tricks, even untalented artists can create great pictures!

With this approach, over 5000 participants have already managed to rediscover their drawing skills.

Voices from the course…

What you will learn:

1. Where are pictures needed?

There are situations where you don’t need pictures. If you order a cappuccino in a restaurant, you can just do it with words. But if someone in Paris is gesticulating the way to the Hilton hotel in the air, a picture in the form of a city map would be really helpful.


In the course, you will experience that communication from experts to beginners can only work with pictures.

2. Drawing

Drawing is easy if you leave out 97% of the details. Figures don’t need hands and faces work without eyes. Cars don’t need rear-view mirrors and a bicycle doesn’t need pedals.



In this part, we will develop a visual vocabulary that you can use to build your stories. The free Picture Pilot app (Download Android / iOS), which provides simple drawing instructions for over 800 icons, will also help us here.

3. Find a relevant idea

Concepts such as a house or table are easy to draw. They are visible and do not have to be translated into a picture. But how can efficiency, digitalization or artificial intelligence be translated into a picture?

This is exactly what we practise in this part. We will get to know the storytelling method, with which you always explain and visualize your content using a concrete, imaginable example.

4. Show the bigger picture

The best-known infographic is probably the map. It shows how places are connected to roads. But infographics can do much more than that. It can present connections clearly, for example when it comes to optimizing a photovoltaic system. I’ll spare you the details now, but I’m sure that you too can enlighten your audience with an infographic.


5. Convince with your visual story

You know the situation: You have a great idea, but your boss or your client gets to decide whether they want to follow your suggestion. Too often I’ve seen great ideas scuppered by mediocre bullet point presentations.


You don’t want that to happen to you. With visual story telling, you can explain in three minutes what you’re talking about, what the problem is and why your idea will work. On the left in the picture you can see why the display repair spray is the invention of the century.

Here is your captain speaking

Hey, pleased to meet you. I’m Roland and together we’ll make this journey a success. From drawing a stick figure to composing an amazing story for your pitch, I’ll give you the tools to master each excercise with ease. And what’s most important in learning? fun! and then some easy excercise to get us in to DOING mode. And beliefe me, as a trained electrical engineer, I can really put myself in your shoes. I know how much courage it takes to expose yourself with a drawing. But I have also experienced a thousand times how great it feels when my drawing has helped to win people for my ideas

How the course is working:

Weekly lessons

Every Friday you’ll get an input video and a little challenge.


Your audience

Drawing is one thing – sharing your sketches with others is the other. That’s why you’ll post your drawings in an What’s app chat.

Book your seat now!


Starting Date…